Monday, January 18, 2010

SBR600 First Compiles

The compiles were extremely simple at school, however I found when doing the compile at home for it to require a few extra steps. The NLED site, was probably the greatest source of this confusion as it claims that NLED can be compiled without any "tweaking", needing to be done to your linux distribution. This does not hold true for either ubuntu 9.04 or Fedora12. I hope that the following can help anyone with their compiles.

Under Ubuntu 9.04 in order to finish the compile I had to issue the following commands:
sudo apt-get install build-essentials
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
After doing so the compile ran normally.
#Change the directory to whever NLED was extracted
sudo make
Then enter nled and it's up and working.

This was done on Fedora
The compile I chose to do was asterisk, since I'm interested in asterisk anyways
#Change the Directory to where ever the source code was extracted
make install

Make sure that your running as superuser for these commands.

1 comment:

  1. I would recommend that you take care *not* to run as root for any steps except the final "make install", just in case the Makefile has an error (such as "rm -rf /$SOURCEDIR" and $SOURCEDIR is undefined).
